Apr 15, 2021 | Europe, Interview, urban planning & infrastructures, Videos
“We have asked Marta Rofin Serrà from the URBACT Healthy Cities Network to share best practices and tips on how cities can increase their citizens’ health through urban planning and sport.”
Oct 19, 2020 | Europe, Interview, Role Models - events & cities, urban planning & infrastructures
“The project includes complementarity with other mobility, social and housing support policies.”
Oct 19, 2020 | Article, Europe, Role Models - events & cities, urban planning & infrastructures
“Superblocks were conceived as resilient environments which can be very much inspiring today.”
Dec 11, 2019 | Article, North America, urban planning & infrastructures, Urban sports
The term “active design” combines all the actions taken by urban planning and architecture stakeholders to encourage or multiply opportunities to be physically active and provide easy access to a healthy diet.
Dec 11, 2019 | Interview, urban planning & infrastructures, Urban sports
A more progressive option is to ensure urban public spaces are places that encourage physical activity.
May 15, 2018 | Article, urban planning & infrastructures
“The range of financial options for cities to consider is broad and there is no “one-size-fits-all” model.”