
thank you for your participation!

Relive the unforgettable moments captured in iconic venues. From radiant smiles to inspiring moments, these photos show that our 11th edition anniversary will remain a milestone in smartcities & sport history.

See you next year in Seoul for the 2025 smartcities & sport summit! Save the date 20-22 October 2025.

Smart Cities & Sport

annual summits since the creation of the network

cities that have already participated into one of the network's activities

participating International sport federations eager to discuss with cities

insights articles and videos content

smartcities & sport: get in the game!

smartcities & sport is about emulation amongst its members, sharing best practices and mutual inspiration on how to use sport as a relevant and efficient means and medium to improve cities in all aspects of their development. participation is a win-win! Pass the starting line, get on the field, and experience the smartcities & sport network.

Interested? Get in the game!

The leading network

that connects cities & sport